The year is flying by and here we are getting ready for the annual Lucindale Golf Tournament. Save the date Thursday 18th July – Sunday 21st July.
The Ladies competitions are supported by continuing and increased sponsorship from Naracoorte Toyota and to complement this we are delighted to announce a new Sponsor, Tallageira Pastoral Company – Demijohn. Many thanks to the Koch family for this commitment.
The Mens competitions are once again supported by long standing sponsor CavPower.
Ladies will take to the course for their Championship on Thursday.
Friday follows with a Mixed Pinehurst.
Saturday has the men playing an aggregate Stableford and the Ladies take up the challenge of a 4BBB Stableford.
The Men will then return on Sunday to battle it our for the Championship.
………..and, if you’re not on your game don’t worry, there’s always the famous Lucindale hospitality to save the day!
Looking forward to seeing you over the weekend. Lucindale Golf Tournament flyer 2013

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