Last game for the twilight season will be played on Friday 23rd. It will pay to be there a bit earlier as the nights are starting to close in and I for one don't have a miners helmet. There will be a celebratory tea that night so come and join the fun. I believe the tennis players are joining us too so it will be a good night with lots of fun and laughter. … [Read more...]
Cavpower/Toyota Tournament
Ambrose Golf on Friday Night 11 February
There is a pairs Ambrose this Friday night. Happy hour from 5 pm for a 6pm hit off. BBQ to follow. come and join … [Read more...]
Golf Season starts at the end of March
The golf season starts at the end of March each year and runs through the winter months and into spring finishing at the end of October. The Twilight season commences in November and runs through the summer finishing at the end of February. Visitors are always welcome and if there is no one in attendance an honesty box is available for green fees. … [Read more...]